About us
Lakeside Stitches in Greenville, Maine is an outgrowth of Threads Needlework in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. Threads was my first store offering needlework patterns and supplies. My husband and I honeymooned in New England in 1982 and the pull of Maine never left us. We purchased a camp on Mid-Coast in 2002 which became a welcome respite from our careers in medicine in PA. We moved to Maine permanently in 2014 and traded our Mid-Coast camp for a camp on Moosehead Lake. With the development of the Lakeside Property, Lakeside Stitches had to be born. Nestled on the southern end of Moosehead Lake, we feature fine yarn from Maine and all over the world as well as hand embroidery supplies. We also carry kids crafts and gifts for knitters and stitchers. Hand made items are also available for purchase.